The mystery of 5 fingers performing as 10! Imagine hearing melodic tones, harmonic accompaniments, inner voices intertwined, rhythmic flow.. all while watching the artistic technique of Ostranenie!

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Morsicat(h)y - Cathy Berberian


To sense joy and sorrow, love, water, the flight of the lark, even reflections of light!

Experience this in the music of Schumann, Liszt, Debussy, Glinka, Brahms, and Granados.

L'Aloutte by Mikhail Glinka

Travesia MusicaL

The distinctive sounds of the Habanera are presented here in the musical ambiance of both its rhythmic and melodic styles. Compositions with these underlying habanera concepts such as in the Spanish Tinge, the Argentinian Tango, the Cuban Tresillo, and the Puerto Rican Danza, all come together in this exciting and invigorating recording!

Elsie by Luciano Quinones Lugo
Idillio by Juan Morel Campos
Preludio by Enrique Granados
Zapateado by Enrique Granados
Soledad by Ignácio Cervantes
La Comparsa by Ernesto Lecuona

Jewish Musical Reflections

How does one hear Judaism in Music? How do you hear reflections of a religion, a culture? The tonal nuances, rhythmic textures, and harmonies all are explored here in the music of composers from Jewish descent.

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The Dying Poet by Seven Octaves
Liza "Etude" No. 1 by Gershwin

Homenaje a la Danza


On hearing the words "Romantic music" one thinks of the great composers of Europe, such as Frederick Chopin and Franz Liszt. This CD explores further along the Musical Pathways of Love, Senderos Musicales de Amor. It includes the composers of the enchanted island of Puerto Rico—Tavarez, Campos, and others—all masters of the style and form known as the Danza. The Danza is one of the most expressive musical forms composed during the Romantic period!

Margarita by Manuel Tavares
Ensueno by Narciso Figueroa
Violeta by Rafael Alers
La Sensitiva by Manuel Tavares
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